Coming Soon in September!  :)

Hello Chocolate Fans!  We hope this message finds you and your family well during these COVID-times...

Although our lovely store is temporarily closed and boarded up at the moment, we are looking forward to seeing you when the phased reopening allows for it.

We have been busy working on the new website, in the meantime, please follow us on Facebook, Instagram, Tumblr, and other social media platforms to stay up-to-date on the latest!

Thank you!   


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The Eleusinian Mysteries

The Return of Persephone, 1891, Frederic Leighton

SELEUŠS (si-lüs): Named after the city of Eleusis and its first priest King, Celeus.  Eleusis was home to the most famous of the secret religious rites in ancient Greece: The Eleusinian Mysteries, an epithet or precursor to the concept of Elysium (The Elysian Fields, Champs-Elysees), and dedicated to the Goddess Demeter and Persephone (Kore).

Liken to the ascension of Persephone from Hades, to be reunited with her mother Demeter, the purified initiates (Mystai), having gone through the tedious Apporheta and shown a number of sacred items, including the Seed-of-Life in a stalk of grain, secured their life after death.

Today, the Mysteries continue, however, SELEUŠS has refined the Apporheta process and transubstantiated the Kykeon in the form of a Chocolate Truffle for our fellow Chocolate Mystais. 

“Íakch', O’Íakche and Bon Appétit”

Alexander Lóng

​Your Chocolate Advisor